Father and Child Embrace

Father and Child Embrace

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013 - 6:30PM

Typically, after sitting in this class for this project on Mondays discussing, critiquing, and refining techniques for a couple hours, it always seems as though my eye is especially honed on scenes in Huntington that might be good to capture when I get in my car and head back home. So last week on Monday on my way home from class, a group of individuals caught my eye as I was pulling onto my neighborhood off of Hal Greer Blvd.  I quickly recircled, stopped my car and approached the group of five individuals. 

With the last few remaining minutes of sunlight remaining, I explained the scope of the project, and told them that they "looked like a unique cast of characters" and would love to capture their shots.  One of them said that they were indeed a "unique cast of characters" and were very willing and happy to be "interviewed" by myself.  Each gratuitously told their stories of going on tour to different music festivals and living a nomad-like, pleasure-induced, freewheeling transient lifestyle.  They looked road-weathered and a tad bit disheveled, but were polite and in high spirits.  One thing that was very apparent was that they seemed like a very tight-knit group and honestly enjoyed the company of each other, as evidenced by their joining of arms together when I took their first group picture.

Festival crew embrace on Hal Greer Blvd, October 28, 2013
Tattooed face festival man on Hal Greer Blvd, Oct. 28, 2013

Festival crew pose on Hal Greer Blvd, October 28, 2013

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