Father and Child Embrace

Father and Child Embrace

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013 - 10:00AM - 4:00 PM - The Day After the Wind Storm - Batch 3 of 4

Afternoon jaunt on the "Day After the Wind Storm," November 1, 2013

After Hunter left, I stayed briefly at home, but went back out and see if I could capture any more incidents, happenings, or subjects that were about and about on the "Day After the Wind Storm."  I went around, this time on the West End of Huntington poking around the antique district for a short spell, where I met this antique store owner sitting outside her shop.  She had a very plain, elegant, and natural appearance to her.  She was so finely aged and pretty, with her wrinkles so distinct and distinguished.  She was fine with me taking her picture and was quite pleasant as a matter of fact. So I snapped a few.

West End owner clutches item outside her store, Nov. 1, 2013

West End antique owner takes a break outside her store, Nov. 1, 2013

After that, I wandered around the back side of the West End, in areas where I hadn't wandered around before.  If anything, I think it's been pretty fun navigating around town in some the lesser known areas around town, that were unique and refreshing.  In these shots, I captured a variety of situations: a man walking four dogs on a leash, a fence that was damaged by a fallen tree and two men (only one pictured) working on sawing down a fallen tree and clearing away the brush caused by the wind storm, and a very odd alley near St. Clouds commons where these two ramshackle, miniature houses sat on the edge of the alley feet away from each other.  Both were obviously condemned and very dilapidated but striking nonetheless.
Fallen tree crashed through fence on West End, Nov.1, 2013
Man walks his four dogs on West End, Nov. 1, 2013

Ramshackle house on West End alley, Nov. 1, 2013

Ramshackle window with clouds in reflection, Nov. 1, 2013

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