Father and Child Embrace

Father and Child Embrace

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Last Post for Class, 5/12/2014

Well, this will be my last post for my New Deal photography class at the BOE.  Sort of bittersweet, but I know that this won't be the last time I post, well maybe on this particular blog, but not my last photography post.  Over the past 9 months, I've really found something that I really enjoy; it's photography.  I've dabbled in it before and with Photoshop as well, but this was the first time I felt connected and passionate with what I was doing.  I'd go out to take shots of Huntington and I'd lose track of time, sometimes for hours upon end.  Of course, there were many missed shots, or shots I flubbed because I couldn't get my settings right in time.  There were people who refused to have their pictures taken and I know many of those shots would have been awesome.  But I hope that I came close to accomplishing my goal of comparing the New Deal Era-style of photography with capturing the essence of Huntington and it's residents, in an unfettered, honest, and real manner to the best of my ability. And I think I have, but no looking back, on to tomorrow... live to see another day, another scene, another shot, another face...living in Appalachian America.

The Three Wise Men of Hal Greer Blvd., March 2014
The Three Wise Men of Hal Greer Blvd., March 2014

The Three Wise Men of Hal Greer Blvd., March 2014

The Relentless Mules, August 2013

HMAF 2013, Sept 2013

King Kool and his Kustomers, Fall 2013

The Doors, August 2013

The Scrambler at Camden Park, August 2013

San Francisco Watch Man at Pullman Square, March 2014

Survivors Will Be Shot Again, March 31, 2014

Old Glory on 10th Street, March 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

First Update of 2014

Sorry about the long lapse in time from my last update to this one.  I started out the new year with great expectations of taking pictures every day, but alas, I caved and strayed away from taking pictures daily, sometimes for weeks at a time, like in February 2014.  That was also coincidentally the same time we had all that awful weather.  It got the best of me; instead of pressing on, I resigned to defeat.

When it got a little nicer weather-wise in March, I got back into the groove of things, capturing a range of pics around the city limits of Huntington primarily.  In addition, I developed a partnership with a residential program for men with alcohol and drug addiction in Huntington and took some candid shots exclusive to our partnership.  Out of respect for the men in recovery and the establishment, these pictures will not to be shared with the general public.  But it was a very eye-opening experience, nonetheless, and I had some really great conversations with some of the men who were in recovery.

But there were a bunch of other photos that I'd like to share from around the city of Huntington taken from around the New Year to just recently in early April 2014.  Once again, thank you for reading my blog and taking the time to look at my photos and appreciate the simple beauty and happenings around Huntington, WV.  It truly makes my day when somebody shares with me that they've viewed and appreciate the pictures that I'm taking.  It makes it all the worth while.