Father and Child Embrace

Father and Child Embrace

Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 3 - December 11, 2013

Here are an assortment of pics I snapped in my free time around Huntington from Dec. 3 - Dec.11. All are of everyday scenes near 3rd / 4th Avenue.  Once again, I'm trying to capture people "at work" or interacting on the streets.  Not the most entertaining pics, but fun anyway.  I'm getting a better grasp of the camera settings and how to react to a variety of conditions...  Anyways, enjoy!

Lime dust at WV Steel

Lime Truck Driver

WV Steel representative approaches photographer

Construction worker on scaffold at The Frederick

The Frederick's Eye

Two men taking a break outside a store in downtown Huntington

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013 - Thanksgiving Break

For these shots like many before, I didn't have a real direction in which to shoot. I just set out in my car and try to catch as many happening, sights, and occurrences as I can possibly capture.  Sometimes this yields good results, and sometimes I come up empty-handed or just don't hit the mark that I'm trying to achieve.  On this jaunt, which only lasted a little more than an hour, I found myself on 8th Avenue just past 8th Street by the railroads (For some reason I tend to gravitate toward the train tracks and back-alleys of Huntington...) at a building where there were four construction workers up on a scaffolding hammering out the loose bricks near the roof of the structure (presumably knocked loose from the windstorm?) and their foreman down below leaning up against the building beside it.  His leaning up against the building next to the one they were working on is what initially got my attention as I drove by.  These aren't my greatest shots, but I think they're compelling enough nonetheless.  Took over 50 shots, but only 4 made the cut (I'm struggling with exposure, still getting some blown out.)

Construction worker catches object

Construction worker attaches pulley

Worker and foreman hold scaffolding

Jeep sits on blocks beside train tracks